Optimize your higher ed website’s content with Drupal’s CMS

Drupal’s multi-faceted Content Management System (CMS) makes it efficient and effective for higher education institutions. Typically, higher ed websites have a lot of content that needs to be accessible to students, faculty, and prospects. With the help of Drupal, your institution can optimize, expand, and update content easily while maintaining accessibility and usability throughout the process.

Here are the top five benefits of Drupal for your higher education website.

1. Drupal offers an optimized core structure

Drupal offers the capacity for content creators to manage content across a multi-functional platform. Because each feature is a separate entity in Drupal, this makes it easier to identify content and apply it to multiple pages to speed up the publishing process.

Drupal’s multifunctional user interface also comes with numerous features and multiple content types to fit events, profiles, news updates, and any other content that needs to appear on your school’s website.

2. Exceptional user experience and accessibility

When people visit a website, most of the time they have a purpose in mind for going there. How fast can they find the answers to their questions on your site, or ask those questions to an authority if they cannot find them?

User experience is vital to how users will feel toward the content of your website and whether or not they will continue to explore it or move on. Drupal offers a mobile-friendly interface as well as OpenEDU, a built-in accessibility checker that scans and identifies issues in the website before the site goes live.

3.  Easily customizable content

Higher education websites often display many different types of content, which means you need a function to create custom content types. Drupal has functional tools that allow for the creation and management of multiple content types without any coding involved. The tagging feature allows content with the same tag attached to its page to be found across the site. This ability to relate content helps manage large amounts of content that would be hard to sift through without such features.

Personalization of content is also a key feature of Drupal’s CMS. With a wide range of audience groups, it’s important to meet the needs of each through website interaction. Drupal allows you to customize each user’s experience based on user type.

4. Systematic workflow

From creating custom content to setting up the specific time and day for publishing the content, Drupal provides the tools and systems to make the process of content creation seamless. Automation features for developing content simplify the workflow and cut down time in the long run.

Since higher education websites will have many different sections, Drupal has equipped its system with site-governance tools that allow site users to assign different pages to the people who are in charge of each section. For example, the communication department’s page will be reserved for those within the communication department, whereas the financial aid page can be given to the financial aid experts.

5. A strong security system

In order to maintain professionalism and credibility, higher education institutions should invest in a CMS that offers a strong security system. Drupal provides top-notch security that protects data by keeping security protocols constantly up-to-date and securing its core network. In-depth configuration ensures the security of your Drupal instance, including approval for creating site accounts and monitoring and creating boundaries through permissions for site users.

Many government organizations choose Drupal as their CMS exactly for these security-focused reasons.

KWALL can help your higher education institution optimize Drupal with the best tools to manage and create content for your website and by providing maintenance and support for your team throughout the site’s lifetime. By using a content management system, you are investing in the quality of your website with technology that was created to organize the level of content a higher education website must host.

Your website directly reflects your higher education institution, get in touch to see how KWALL can help you create the best user experience possible.


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