In higher education, your website’s homepage is often the first point of contact between your institution and prospective students. It’s not just a digital landing page; it’s a gateway to the student experience, the starting point for their journey toward higher education. Crafting a homepage that resonates with your audience, sets the tone for your brand, and guides students toward key decisions is crucial. Here’s why, and how, your homepage should be built with intention.

1. Tell a Story and Set the Tone for Your Brand

Your homepage should tell the story of your institution and communicate what sets you apart. From the moment visitors land on the page, they should feel immersed in your brand’s narrative. Are you a cutting-edge research institution? A close-knit liberal arts college? Use powerful imagery, concise messaging, and intentional design to communicate your values, vision, and what your institution offers.

Your university’s brand isn’t just about logos and colors; it’s about how prospective students feel when they engage with your content. Let the homepage create an immediate emotional connection by highlighting your mission, successes, and student life.

Occidental College website, one of KWALL’s projects, highlights its story of “Liberal Arts in Los Angeles” through an engaging mix of campus photos, student stories, and an immersive video showcasing the vibrant campus life. This approach beautifully captures the essence of the Occidental experience, inviting prospective students to explore what makes Oxy unique.

Occidental College website designed by KWALL.

2. Avoid Lots of Text

The goal of your homepage isn’t to overwhelm students with text but to guide them where they want to go. Long blocks of text can be intimidating and discourage engagement. Instead, use short, meaningful sections of content paired with visuals and CTAs to drive users deeper into the site. This approach respects your users’ time and allows them to find the information they need with minimal effort.

3. Present a Few Clear Options for Students

Students visiting your homepage have specific goals. Instead of overwhelming them with endless links and information, offer a few clear options that lead them to their desired next steps. Whether they’re exploring academic programs, admissions requirements, or campus life, guide them through simple navigation that gets them closer to their decision. This user-centric approach ensures that students don’t feel lost or frustrated while interacting with your website.

4. Set Them on Their Student Journey

Your homepage should work as the first step on the student’s journey. It’s not about trying to be everything for everyone. Rather, your focus should be on crafting a pathway that feels natural and leads to personalized exploration. Use intuitive calls-to-action (CTAs) to help students start their journey based on their interests—whether that’s learning about your degree programs, visiting campus, or applying.

Resist the temptation to clutter your homepage with too much information. Instead, guide students down a well-designed path to uncover what your university has to offer in a way that makes sense to them.

The “Start My Journey” section on the Lincoln Land Community College website designed by KWALL empowers prospective students to take the first step in their educational path. With clear guidance and resources, this section offers an intuitive experience that helps users navigate their way to success at LLCC.

Lincoln Land Community College website designed by KWALL.

5. Avoid “Bulletin Board Syndrome”

The homepage should not be treated as a place to list every single announcement or piece of news about your institution. Avoid what’s known as “bulletin board syndrome”—filling the page with so many announcements, events, or updates that it becomes overwhelming and difficult to navigate.

Students are not coming to your homepage to sift through bulletin board-like messages. Instead, they’re looking for key information, and your job is to deliver that in a clean, structured way. Focus on highlighting only the most important content and driving users to more detailed pages if necessary.

6. Answer Students’ Primary Questions

Your homepage should quickly address the most critical questions students have:

  • What can I learn?
  • How much does it cost?
  • What’s it like to go here?
  • Can I get a job after I graduate?

By answering these questions clearly and directly, you’re addressing the core concerns of prospective students. Include links to academic programs, tuition information, student life, and career services so that students can find the answers they need quickly.

Old Dominion University prominently features essential areas like programs, online options, and admissions to address the primary concerns of prospective students. Additionally, the “Life at ODU” section was developed in response to student interest, offering a glimpse into campus life and providing insights into what it’s like to live and study at Old Dominion University.

Old Dominion University designed by KWALL.

Conclusion: Focus on the Student Experience

Your homepage sets the tone for the entire student journey, from their first point of interaction with your institution to their decision to apply. By telling your brand’s story, offering clear navigation, avoiding information overload, and answering key questions, you’ll create a homepage that’s not just functional but impactful. Prioritize a streamlined, engaging user experience, and you’ll see students more easily navigate their path to enrollment.

Transform Your Homepage into a Student Recruitment Powerhouse with KWALL

At KWALL, we specialize in creating intuitive, student-centered web experiences that drive engagement and enhance the journey from prospect to enrolled student. By leveraging our expertise in higher education and innovative platform solutions, we can help you design a homepage that not only tells your institution’s unique story but also guides students seamlessly through the enrollment process. Let’s collaborate to optimize your digital presence and ensure your website becomes a powerful tool for student recruitment. Contact KWALL today to start transforming your online experience!


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