Digital Marketing is the New Normal for Higher Ed

Digital marketing brings more potential student contacts through the sales funnel than traditional recruiting methods, and COVID-19 is making it even more important. The COVID-19 health pandemic has changed the way the world works, plays and learns. This makes digital marketing essential to those in the higher education community. With in-person campus visits largely on…

Why Mobile-First Design Is Essential in Higher Ed

Prospective students are living in a mobile-first online world, and your web presence must be just as native to it as they are. Does anyone leave home without their cell phone anymore? That is especially true for high school and college-aged youth and adults. Many of them cannot remember a time when mobile phones did…

Learn to Use SEO to Drive Better Student Enrollment

Learn to Use SEO to Drive Better Student Enrollment For many students, finding your website is the first step to finding their way to your campus. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a term that gets thrown around the business world and e-commerce, but what does it mean to colleges and universities trying…


Virtual Tours of College Campuses Are More Vital Than Ever

In the era of COVID-19 social distancing and limited travel, more students will rely on virtual campus tours than ever. College campuses are doing their best to welcome students back to campus in the “new normal.” No one knows how long measures like masks, distancing and remote learning are going to be part of the…

Stay Safe and Social While Heading Back to Campus

With COVID-19 looming over the 2020 academic year, colleges must plan to support students returning to campus. It’s time to go back to school! While a lot of the national conversation has focused on how to reopen elementary and secondary education safely, it’s important to talk about how COVID-19 will impact higher education, as well….

Drupal 9 Prep – Get ready for the update

Wondering what the update to Drupal 9 will look like? From Acquia’s Ultimate Guide accessible here: Upgrading to Drupal 9 will be relatively straightforward First, make sure your environment is compatible with the requirements for Drupal 9. The key things to note here are that Drupal 9 requires PHP 7.3 or higher and that version…


What Students Aren’t Finding On Your Higher Ed Website

In order to redesign a website’s interface or navigation successfully, we first need to understand how it is currently being used by both internal and external audiences. Meeting with stakeholders will help us to define key business objectives, but it is equally important to hear directly from our users so that we are including their needs…

Show Students Your School Can Help Them Land a Good Job

Want to show website visitors the value of your school’s degree programs? Post-graduate surveys are a great way to highlight how your school puts students on the path to successful careers. ​ Your higher education website should include information about course offerings, culture, and other aspects of your school. But it should also show site…

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