Web Accessibility: Unlocking Digital Inclusion

From educational resources and e-commerce to social interactions and governmental services, the web connects us to countless opportunities. However, for individuals with disabilities, these digital frontiers can often become frustrating barriers to overcome. This is where web accessibility comes into play, paving the way for an inclusive online landscape that leaves no one behind. At…


Drupal in Higher Education: Empowering Marketing Teams

With robust and scalable with unrivaled flexibility, adaptability, and personalization capabilities, Drupal in higher education emerges as the go-to choice for marketing professionals seeking to elevate their strategies and achieve remarkable results. Leveraging Drupal in higher education allows institutions to enhance engagement, streamline processes, and customize user experiences to meet the unique needs of their…

Drupal Vs. WordPress

In the vast realm of content management systems (CMS), two prominent names often dominate the conversation: Drupal and WordPress. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are significant differences between them that could make or break your website’s success. Let’s delve into the key distinctions between Drupal vs. WordPress: Drupal: Embracing Boundless Possibilities…

Alumni Engagement and Optimizing Your Website

KWALL is proud to be the trusted web agency for major universities and colleges, catering to their digital needs and helping them achieve their objectives. From student enrollment to alumni engagement, we have supported educational institutions in navigating various challenges, including the recent Coronavirus Pandemic. In addition to our expertise in content governance, accessibility, and…

Higher Education Websites: Mega Menus vs. Drop-Down Dilemma

In the world of higher education websites, where there is often a vast amount of information and numerous sections to explore, finding the right balance between usability and simplicity is crucial. Users should be able to navigate through the website effortlessly, discovering relevant content without feeling overwhelmed or lost. That’s where careful navigation design comes…


Custom Web Applications: Mastering Higher Ed

In the realm of higher education institutions, where excellence and distinction reign supreme, the need for custom web applications tailored to their unique requirements cannot be overstated. These institutions face the challenge of not only ensuring mastery over their CMS and assets but also attracting student enrollment and delivering a user experience (UX) design that…

Campus Safety: The Role of Integrated Rave Alert System

The Rave Alert system is an emergency notification system designed to deliver critical messages and alerts to individuals during emergency situations. It is commonly used by educational institutions, corporations, government agencies, and other organizations to ensure the safety and well-being of their members. KWALL’s web development team prides itself on successfully integrating Rave Alert systems…

Ways Drupal Can Make Your University Better Online

In today’s digital age, universities are increasingly adopting online platforms to enhance their academic presence and promote student engagement. Among the many content management systems available, Drupal stands out as a powerful tool that can transform your university’s online experience. With its robust features and customizable modules, Drupal offers endless possibilities for improving everything from…


Information Architecture and User-Centered Design

Information Architecture is the science that organizes and classifies digital information so site visitors can find and use it without frustration. At its core, it helps classify content in a clear and understandable way so that users can easily understand the relations between the content, finding information with less effort on your website navigation. Where…

Content Management System: Pros and Cons

One of KWALL’s expertise is Content Management System. We are quite familiar with practically all of them. A CMS is a software platform that allows website owners (IT and Marketers alike) to easily create, manage, and publish without needing technical expertise.  If your website is the digital door to your school then your CMS is…

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