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University Website Revamp: Progressive Web Apps Walkthrough

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) provide users with an app-like experience, all without the need for a dedicated app development process. PWAs are designed to be accessible whenever needed, without consuming precious memory or data on a smartphone. They provide an enhanced user experience, improved performance, and offline capabilities. Here’s a walkthrough of how PWAs could…


User Insights: Informed Decisions and Web Design Success

In the dynamic landscape of web design, success is not achieved in isolation. Design does not live in a vacuum, but rather thrives in a continuous conversation with clients and users. It is through this ongoing conversation, fueled by user insights and client collaboration, that the true cornerstones of success are built. By approaching this…

Guided Pathways: Navigating the Higher Education Journey

 For many institutions, it is not uncommon for them to question if their higher education journey is truly worth it. However, KWALL, the premier web agency for higher education websites, is on a mission to make the journey worthwhile. Through our expertise in Guided Pathways, we provide innovative web development solutions. These empower institutions to…

Alumni Engagement and Optimizing Your Website

KWALL is proud to be the trusted web agency for major universities and colleges, catering to their digital needs and helping them achieve their objectives. From student enrollment to alumni engagement, we have supported educational institutions in navigating various challenges, including the recent Coronavirus Pandemic. In addition to our expertise in content governance, accessibility, and…


Custom Web Applications: Mastering Higher Ed

In the realm of higher education institutions, where excellence and distinction reign supreme, the need for custom web applications tailored to their unique requirements cannot be overstated. These institutions face the challenge of not only ensuring mastery over their CMS and assets but also attracting student enrollment and delivering a user experience (UX) design that…

Campus Safety: The Role of Integrated Rave Alert System

The Rave Alert system is an emergency notification system designed to deliver critical messages and alerts to individuals during emergency situations. It is commonly used by educational institutions, corporations, government agencies, and other organizations to ensure the safety and well-being of their members. KWALL’s web development team prides itself on successfully integrating Rave Alert systems…

AI in Education: University Takeaways

AI in education has dawned upon us, and it is set to become an indispensable tool that will enhance human capabilities. COVID-19 has transformed the university landscape, and with the integration of AI, learning and tutoring will be customized to an unprecedented degree.  As universities navigate this new landscape, it is more important than ever…

What Does DEI Mean for Higher Ed?

Just like most industries, higher education is learning how to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into school strategies. Here are a few ways to do it right. Key Takeaways: Stay open to feedback Be transparent Invest in leadership training Promote diversity at all levels Involve students in planning Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives…

7 Student Engagement Tactics You Haven’t Thought Of

As the pandemic is still looming, student engagement can be more challenging than ever. People may be feeling lots of uncertainty about what the year will look like and what comes next for higher education. Students need to be engaged and inspired by your content for you to pull them in and retain them, and…

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